
What’s Your Emotional Assignment?
January is a great time to think about the changes you want to make - not just in your life - but in the world....

Six Tips To Get More Satisfaction from Your Job
Despite difficult economic times, multiple projects and killer deadlines, it’s still possible to find greater satisfaction on the job. It’s all in the attitude. Here...

What Really Motivates Your Customer
Understanding what’s important to your customers - whether they are internal or external - and setting expectations accordingly is critical to creating a successful brand....

Why Confidence is King (or Queen)
You can fight its unfairness all you like, but people who are extroverted, confident or even over-confident are at a definite advantage in the workplace....

Risk. Reinvent. Repeat.
Summer is over. School and work are back in session. Maybe you've been slowing down or even gotten completely stuck. Don't beat up on...

Does Your Leadership Legacy Have a Long Tail?
I know it’s hard to think about such lofty concepts as legacy these days. So many business fires need immediate putting out or preventing. Add...

Let Go and Lead!
I spent this past Memorial Day weekend in Boston visiting colleges with my son, who’s a junior in high school. As he’s getting ready for...

Lead Limiters and Liberators to Arrive the Same Place
When we arrive at a point in our lives where we need to make some personal changes, one of the first things we often do...