Get Out of Your Head
Leadership presence is about communication. Ifyou’re not comfortable and confident communicating—or are reticent about talking in front of a group—then you’re going to have a much harder time as a leader.
Leadership presence is about communication. Ifyou’re not comfortable and confident communicating—or are reticent about talking in front of a group—then you’re going to have a much harder time as a leader.
We all want to work with people who “get it.” By “get it,” I mean peoplewho always add top-notch value and relevant insights, while connecting with us
in a meaningful way that makes us feel heard.
So how can you become—or remain—one of those people who just gets it?
My son and I recently traveled to Thailand and Bhutan, a smallland-locked country ringed by the Himalayan Mountains with China to the
north and India to the south. It was a wonderful mother-son adventure on
many levels, including an eight-mile (and 1,400 stairs!) hike to
Tiger’s Nest, a Buddhist monastery carved into a sheer cliff side.
January is a great time to think about the changes you want to make – not just in your life – but in the world. The first step is to get very clear on the value you provide. Once you’re committed to functioning at the highest level of self and you’re crystal clear about your value proposition, you’re ready to embark on an undertaking without which your personal life would be incomplete and your professional life unfulfilled. You’ve discovered your Emotional Assignment.
Despite difficult economic times, multiple projects and killer deadlines, it’s still possible to find greater satisfaction on the job. It’s all in the attitude. Here are some things you can do to lighten the load for yourself and others.
Understanding what’s important to your customers – whether they are internal or external – and setting expectations accordingly is critical to creating a successful brand. I’ll give you an example of how one company’s thoughtless handling of their brand turned off a potential customer right from the get-go.
Summer is over. School and work are back in session. Maybe you’ve been slowing down or even gotten completely stuck. Don’t beat up on yourself, it’s all part of the human condition. The first step is to determine where you’re stuck so you can begin getting unstuck. Take a look at the list below and see if you can pinpoint your stuck spot.
When we arrive at a point in our lives where we need to make somepersonal changes, one of the first things we often do is take a look at
our friends. Which ones will support our reinvention, we wonder? Which
ones might hold us back, or even sabotage our efforts?
When I was growing up, most people had no clue who the big deal CEOs were in this country. In some cases, it would have been a fair bet to assume that people didn’t even know who the CEO was of the company they worked for. In those days (and it wasn’t that long ago), it didn’t really matter. No one talked about culture or corporate values then. As for leadership style? Forget about it! Today we know many CEOs like they’re superstars.
I don’t know. Have you ever considered, you know, giving up?That could be your best solution to that stuck space you’re in. You’re
not shocked, are you? It happens all the time. Only most people don’t
talk about it, because we’ve been raised from our earliest years to pick
a goal and stick with it until we’ve got it nailed. Or until it nails
us. Either way, it would be a shame to actually quit, right? Not really.